Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beauty for Ashes

Sometimes I have those moments where words form in my mind and they just have to be written down. Last night I was reading in bed and that is what happened. I keep a notebook and pen by my bed just in case, so I wrote:

It is Jesus that took the ashes of my former life (which would be before I met Him)and He gave me of Himself...His beauty, His holiness, His righteousness, His salvation, His truth and His peace. I now live in liberty and freedom in Him. (sweet liberty) I am no more bound in "the pit" of self loathing, feeling sorry for my self or being in bondage to worldly desires. (those things not of Him) Everything I am that is "good" is found in Him. He lives in my heart and bestows His love upon me. Did I deserve it? The answer would be a big NO, but He gave me His love and His life anyway. He shed His blood at the cross for us. He always meets us right where we are and His atoning blood has cleansed us from all unrighteousness. We are in "right standing" with the Father because of what Jesus did for us. His word says because we have made Jesus the Lord of our life we have the "mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16) We are able to think His thoughts and live our life in victory, when we keep His word and abide by His Commandments.

It is He that brings us:

Answers to Prayer
Kingdom Living
Desires of our heart
Eternal Life

"The author of our life, Jesus, had a plan for us before we ever took our first breath and no other being, human or otherwise has the authority to steal it from us." (from author Dutch Sheets) The life that we live, "it is not us that lives but Jesus Christ in us". (Gal. 2:20) As we cooperate with him we are able to walk in the destiny that He has laid out before us. I say "Lord use me in any way you choose to bring the gospel of your wonderful love to others and reap a harvest of souls for Your kingdom." Amen

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